The Profile of our school
- founded in 1991 by an initiative of parents
Name: Gymnasium Haßloch - since 2001: Hannah-Arendt-Gymnasium Haßloch
- approx 700 pupils
- approx 80 teachers
- teachers training school: We train students in their practical years in cooperation with Studienseminar in Speyer since September 1999.
- lessons: from 7.55am to 1.00pm and from 1.55pm to 5.00pm
- our school is a "GanzTagsGymnasium mit Abitur nach 8 Jahren" (All-Day-Gymnasium with Abitur after 8 years) since the school year 09/10
- big choice of courses for forms 11 - 13, specific characteristics:
- 'Leistungskurse' in sports and music too
- 'Grundkurse' in philosophy and drama
- string player class (starting in form 5)
- concepts throughout different year groups:
Autor: Thomas Jung